Puppy Prep
Welcome puppy!
A good preparation is half the work and saves you a lot of stress
You’re about to welcome a new puppy into your home, which is exciting but also a little daunting, right? You want to make sure you’re fully prepared for his arrival so that he feels safe, comfortable, and happy in his new environment.
You might be wondering what you need to do to puppy-proof your home, where your puppy should sleep, what kind of food he needs, how to start potty training, what toys are safe for him to play with, and what other supplies you’ll need to get.
If you have questions like these, then the Puppy Prep session is perfect for you! We’ll cover all these topics and more, so you can start this new chapter of your life as a dog owner with confidence and peace of mind.
The Puppy Prep session takes 1.5h to 2h and costs € 99
Kat’n Dogs | Schaveystraat 27 | 3040 Neerijse | +32 496 874 213